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synced 2024-11-30 05:42:56 +01:00
- Improved PWA support on mobile. - Added Vs. AI game menu. - Added the first AI algorithm. - Vs. AI is now available with every option leading to simple bot - Fixed a bug where placing ships in certain rotation around the boundaries of the board would wrongly colour them when sunk. - Improved code clarity and comments - Added an option in the settings to change your nickname - Added version display in the settings - Slightly improved box scaling and layout - Made multiple improvements to the PWA support - Added multiple minor features - Brought back full SPA URL functionality, now if you copy a URL to specific view/page in the menu and go into it, you will actually arrive at that page if it's not restricted.
571 lines
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571 lines
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export class GameInfo {
constructor(redis, io) {
this.redis = redis;
this.io = io;
async timer(tId, time, callback) {
await this.redis.json.set(`timer:${tId}`, '$', { lastUpdate: new Date().getTime() / 1000, end: new Date().getTime() / 1000 + time });
let localLastUpdate = await this.redis.json.get(`timer:${tId}`, { path: ".lastUpdate" });
let timeout = setTimeout(callback, time * 1000);
let interval = setInterval(async () => {
if (timeout._destroyed) {
// timer is finished, stop monitoring turn changes
let lastUpdate = await this.redis.json.get(`timer:${tId}`, { path: ".lastUpdate" });
if (localLastUpdate != lastUpdate) {
// timer has been reset
}, 200);
async timerLeft(tId) {
let end = await this.redis.json.get(`timer:${tId}`, { path: ".end" });
let left = end - new Date().getTime() / 1000;
return left;
async resetTimer(tId) {
let lastUpdate = await this.redis.json.get(`timer:${tId}`, { path: ".end" });
await this.redis.json.set(`timer:${tId}`, '.lastUpdate', -lastUpdate);
async isPlayerInGame(socket) {
const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`);
return game != null;
async getPlayerGameData(socket) {
const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`);
return game == null ? null : { id: socket.session.activeGame, data: game };
async getStats(socket) {
const boards = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`, { path: ".boards" });
let stats = [];
boards.forEach(board => {
return stats;
async incrStat(socket, statKey, by = 1, idx) {
if (!idx) {
const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`);
idx = socket.request.session.userId === game.hostId ? 0 : 1;
this.redis.json.numIncrBy(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`, `.boards[${idx}].stats.${statKey}`, by);
async getPlayerShips(socket) {
const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`);
const idx = socket.request.session.userId === game.hostId ? 0 : 1;
return game.boards[idx].ships;
async endPrepPhase(socket) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
await this.redis.json.set(key, '$.state', 'action');
await this.redis.json.set(key, '$.nextPlayer', 0);
const UTCTs = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 + 30);
this.io.to(gameId).emit('turn update', { turn: 0, phase: "action", timerToUTC: UTCTs });
async passTurn(socket) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
await this.redis.json.set(key, '.state', 'action');
let nextPlayer = await this.redis.json.get(key, { path:'.nextPlayer' });
nextPlayer = !nextPlayer ? 1 : 0;
await this.redis.json.set(key, '.nextPlayer', nextPlayer);
const UTCTs = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 + 30);
this.io.to(gameId).emit('turn update', { turn: nextPlayer, phase: "action", timerToUTC: UTCTs });
async placeShip(socket, shipData) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' }));
const playerIdx = socket.request.session.userId === hostId ? 0 : 1;
await this.redis.json.arrAppend(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, shipData);
async depleteShips(socket, playerIdx) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' }));
if (!playerIdx) {
playerIdx = socket.request.session.userId === hostId ? 0 : 1;
var playerShips = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships` }));
const availableShips = getShipsAvailable(playerShips);
const boardRender = [];
const subtrahents = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
playerShips.forEach(ship => {
let multips;
switch (ship.rot) {
case 0:
multips = [1, 0];
case 1:
multips = [0, 1];
case 2:
multips = [-1, 0];
case 3:
multips = [0, -1];
for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) {
for (let l = 0; l < subtrahents.length; l++) {
const idxX = ship.posX - subtrahents[l][0] + multips[0] * i;
const idxY = ship.posY - subtrahents[l][1] + multips[1] * i;
if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9)) {
boardRender[idxX][idxY] = true;
const placedShips = [];
for (let i = 0; i < availableShips.length; i++) {
let availableShipsOfType = availableShips[i];
for (let j = 0; j < availableShipsOfType; j++) {
playerShips = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships` }));
let print = "";
for (let y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
let row = "";
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
row += `${boardRender[x][y] ? "\x1b[31m" : "\x1b[32m"}${boardRender[x][y]}\x1b[0m\t`;
print += row+"\n";
const search = findEmptyFields(boardRender, i + 1);
const rPos = search[Math.floor(Math.random() * search.length)];
placedShips.push({ type: i, posX: rPos.posX, posY: rPos.posY, rot: rPos.rot });
await this.redis.json.arrAppend(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, { type: i, posX: rPos.posX, posY: rPos.posY, rot: rPos.rot, hits: Array.from(new Array(i + 1), () => false) });
let multips;
switch (rPos.rot) {
case 0:
multips = [1, 0];
case 1:
multips = [0, 1];
case 2:
multips = [-1, 0];
case 3:
multips = [0, -1];
for (let k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
for (let l = 0; l < subtrahents.length; l++) {
const idxX = rPos.posX - subtrahents[l][0] + multips[0] * k;
const idxY = rPos.posY - subtrahents[l][1] + multips[1] * k;
if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9)) {
boardRender[idxX][idxY] = true;
return placedShips;
async removeShip(socket, posX, posY) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' }));
const playerIdx = socket.request.session.userId === hostId ? 0 : 1;
let playerShips = await this.redis.json.get(key, {path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`});
var deletedShip;
playerShips = playerShips.filter(function (ship) {
if (ship.posX == posX && ship.posY == posY) {
deletedShip = ship;
return ship.posX != posX || ship.posY != posY
await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, playerShips);
return deletedShip;
async shootShip(socket, enemyIdx, posX, posY) {
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
let playerBoard = await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${enemyIdx}]` });
let shot = playerBoard.shots.find((shot) => shot.posX === posX && shot.posY === posY);
if (shot) {
return { status: -1 }
var check = checkHit(playerBoard.ships, posX, posY);
if (!check) {
return { status: 0 };
var shotShip;
for (let i = 0; i < playerBoard.ships.length; i++) {
const ship = playerBoard.ships[i];
if (ship.posX === check.originPosX & ship.posY === check.originPosY) {
shotShip = ship;
playerBoard.ships[i].hits[check.fieldIdx] = true;
if (!playerBoard.ships[i].hits.includes(false)) {
let gameFinished = true;
await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${enemyIdx}]`, playerBoard);
playerBoard.ships.every(ship => {
if (ship.hits.includes(false)) {
gameFinished = false;
return false;
} else {
return true;
return { status: 2, ship: ship, gameFinished: gameFinished };
await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${enemyIdx}]`, playerBoard);
return { status: 1, ship: shotShip };
async makeAIMove(socket, difficulty) {
difficulty = 0;
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
const boards = await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards` });
if (difficulty == 1) { // If difficulty mode is set to smart, check if there are any shot but not sunk ships
if (difficulty != 2) { // If difficulty mode is not set to Overkill
var foundAppropriateTarget = false;
var [posX, posY] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 10), Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)]; // Randomise first set of coordinates
while (!foundAppropriateTarget) { // As long as no appropriate target was found
[posX, posY] = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 10), Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)]; // Randomise another set of coordinates
// let check = checkHit(boards[0].ships, posX, posY);
let shot = boards[0].shots.find((shot) => shot.posX === posX && shot.posY === posY);
// If shot == null then the field with coordinates posX and posY was not shot at yet
if (!shot) {
if (difficulty == 1) { // If difficulty mode is set to smart, check if the shot wasn't near any sunk ship
foundAppropriateTarget = true;
} else { // If difficulty mode is set to simple, just accept that field
foundAppropriateTarget = true;
return [posX, posY];
} else {
async setReady(socket) { // This makes the socket go ready in a match
const gameId = socket.session.activeGame;
const key = `game:${gameId}`;
const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' }));
const playerIdx = socket.request.session.userId === hostId ? 0 : 1;
await this.redis.json.set(key, `.ready[${playerIdx}]`, true);
export function isPlayerInRoom(socket) { // Returns true if the socket is in any socket.io room, otherwise false
return !socket.rooms.size === 1;
export function getShipsAvailable(ships) { // Returns the amount ships left for each type from list of already placed ships (can be obtained from player's board object)
let shipsLeft = [4, 3, 2, 1];
ships.forEach(ship => {
return shipsLeft;
export function checkHit(ships, posX, posY) { // Checks if a shot at posX and posY is hit (ships is the opponent's ship list)
let boardRender = []; // Create a two-dimensional array that will contain a render of the entire enemy board
// Fill the array with false values
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// The array is now 10x10 filled with false values
ships.forEach(ship => {
let multips;
switch (ship.rot) { // Set up proper multipliers for each possible rotation
case 0:
multips = [1, 0];
case 1:
multips = [0, 1];
case 2:
multips = [-1, 0];
case 3:
multips = [0, -1];
// If multips[0] == 1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from left to right
// If multips[0] == -1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from right to left
// If multips[1] == 1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from top to bottom
// If multips[1] == -1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from bottom to top
// Iterate through all ship's fields
for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) {
// Calculate the X and Y coordinates of the current field, clamp them in case they overflow the array
let x = clamp(ship.posX + multips[0] * i, 0, 9);
let y = clamp(ship.posY + multips[1] * i, 0, 9);
boardRender[x][y] = {fieldIdx: i, originPosX: ship.posX, originPosY: ship.posY}; // Set the field in the board render
// The function returns false if no ship has been hit and an array including following keys if it does:
// fieldIdx, originPosX, originPosY
// where fieldIdx is the amount of fields from the originating point of the ship (in the direction appropriate to set rotation)
// and originPosX and originPosY are the coordinates of the originating point of the ship
// the originating point of the ship is essentialy the field on which a user clicked to place a ship
return boardRender[posX][posY];
export function validateShipPosition(ships, type, posX, posY, rot) { // This function checks whether a certain position of a new ship is valid. It returns true if it is and false otherwise
if (type == null || posX == null || posY == null || rot == null || type < 0 || type > 3 || rot < 0 || rot > 3 || posX < 0 || posY < 0 || posX > 9 || posY > 9) {
return false; // Return false when any of the values is incorrect
let boardRender = []; // Create a two-dimensional array that will contain a render of the entire enemy board
// Fill the array with false values
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// The array is now 10x10 filled with false values
// Iterate through all ships that are already placed, for rendering them on the boardRender array
ships.forEach(ship => {
let multips;
switch (ship.rot) { // Set up multipliers for each possible rotation, this basically defines the direction of the fields, depending on the rotation
case 0:
multips = [1, 0];
case 1:
multips = [0, 1];
case 2:
multips = [-1, 0];
case 3:
multips = [0, -1];
// If multips[0] == 1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from left to right
// If multips[0] == -1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from right to left
// If multips[1] == 1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from top to bottom
// If multips[1] == -1 then each ship's field will go further by one field from bottom to top
// Iterate through all ship's fields
for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) {
// Set the boardRender value under the field's coordinates to true
boardRender[ship.posX + multips[0] * i][ship.posY + multips[1] * i] = true;
// Set up multipliers again, this time for the ship to place
let multips;
switch (rot) {
case 0:
multips = [1, 0];
case 1:
multips = [0, 1];
case 2:
multips = [-1, 0];
case 3:
multips = [0, -1];
// Iterate through each ship's field
for (let x = 0; x <= type; x++) {
if (posX + multips[0] * x > 9 || posX + multips[0] * x < 0 || posY + multips[1] * x > 9 || posY + multips[1] * x < 0) {
return false; // Return false if the ship's field exceeds the boards bounderies
// Set up subtrahents that we will use to calculate fields around the ship and check if they do not contain another ship to prevent ships from being placed next to each other
let subtrahents = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]];
// Iterate through each subtrahents set
for (let y = 0; y < subtrahents.length; y++) {
// Calculate the field's indexes
const idxX = posX - subtrahents[y][0] + multips[0] * x;
const idxY = posY - subtrahents[y][1] + multips[1] * x;
// If the field's index does not exceed the boards boundaries, check whether it's set as true in the boardRender
if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9) && boardRender[idxX][idxY]) {
return false; // Return false if the ship is next to another
// If all the checks pass, return true
return true;
export function checkTurn(data, playerId) {
// Check if it's player's turn
if (playerId == data.hostId) {
return data.nextPlayer === 0;
} else {
return data.nextPlayer === 1;
function findEmptyFields(grid, len) { // Find all empty fields in the board
const shipPlacements = [];
// Helper function to check if a row can be placed horizontally at a given position
function canPlaceHorizontally(x, y) {
// Check if the ship exceeds the board boundaries horizontally
if (x + len > grid.length) {
return false;
// Check if any field within the ship's length is already occupied
for (let i = x; i < x + len; i++) {
if (grid[i][y]) {
return false;
return true;
// Helper function to check if a row can be placed vertically at a given position
function canPlaceVertically(x, y) {
// Check if the ship exceeds the board boundaries vertically
if (y + len > grid[0].length) {
return false;
// Check if any field within the ship's length is already occupied
for (let i = y; i < y + len; i++) {
if (grid[x][i]) {
return false;
return true;
// Loop through the grid to find empty places
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) {
if (!grid[i][j]) { // Check if the current position is empty
if (canPlaceHorizontally(i, j)) {
shipPlacements.push({ posX: i, posY: j, rot: 0 });
if (canPlaceVertically(i, j)) {
shipPlacements.push({ posX: i, posY: j, rot: 1 });
return shipPlacements;
function clamp(n, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(n, min), max);
} |