export class GameInfo { constructor(redis, io) { this.redis = redis; this.io = io; } async timer(tId, time, callback) { await this.redis.set(`timer:${tId}`, new Date().getTime() / 1000); let localLastUpdate = await this.redis.get(`timer:${tId}`); let timeout = setTimeout(callback, time * 1000); let interval = setInterval(async () => { if (timeout._destroyed) { // timer is finished, stop monitoring turn changes clearInterval(interval); return; } let lastUpdate = await this.redis.get(`timer:${tId}`); if (localLastUpdate != lastUpdate) { // timer has been reset clearTimeout(timeout); clearInterval(interval); return; } }, 200); } async resetTimer(tId) { let lastUpdate = await this.redis.get(`timer:${tId}`); await this.redis.set(`timer:${tId}`, -lastUpdate); } async isPlayerInGame(socket) { const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`); return game != null; } async getPlayerGameData(socket) { const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`); return game == null ? null : { id: socket.session.activeGame, data: game }; } async getStats(socket) { const boards = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`, { path: ".boards" }); let stats = []; boards.forEach(board => { stats.push(board.stats); }); return stats; } async incrStat(socket, statKey, by = 1) { const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`); const idx = socket.request.session.id === game.hostId ? 0 : 1; this.redis.json.numIncrBy(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`, `.boards[${idx}].stats.${statKey}`, by); } async getPlayerShips(socket) { const game = await this.redis.json.get(`game:${socket.session.activeGame}`); const idx = socket.request.session.id === game.hostId ? 0 : 1; return game.boards[idx].ships; } async endPrepPhase(socket) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; await this.redis.json.set(key, '$.state', 'action'); await this.redis.json.set(key, '$.nextPlayer', 0); const UTCTs = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 + 30); this.io.to(gameId).emit('turn update', { turn: 0, phase: "action", timerToUTC: UTCTs }); } async passTurn(socket) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; await this.redis.json.set(key, '.state', 'action'); let nextPlayer = await this.redis.json.get(key, { path:'.nextPlayer' }); nextPlayer = !nextPlayer ? 1 : 0; await this.redis.json.set(key, '.nextPlayer', nextPlayer); const UTCTs = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 + 30); this.io.to(gameId).emit('turn update', { turn: nextPlayer, phase: "action", timerToUTC: UTCTs }); } async placeShip(socket, shipData) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' })); const playerIdx = socket.request.session.id === hostId ? 0 : 1; await this.redis.json.arrAppend(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, shipData); } async depleteShips(socket) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' })); const playerIdx = socket.request.session.id === hostId ? 0 : 1; var playerShips = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships` })); const availableShips = getShipsAvailable(playerShips); const boardRender = []; const subtrahents = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]]; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var array = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { array.push(false); } boardRender.push(array); } playerShips.forEach(ship => { let multips; switch (ship.rot) { case 0: multips = [1, 0]; break; case 1: multips = [0, 1]; break; case 2: multips = [-1, 0]; break; case 3: multips = [0, -1]; break; } for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) { for (let l = 0; l < subtrahents.length; l++) { const idxX = ship.posX - subtrahents[l][0] + multips[0] * i; const idxY = ship.posY - subtrahents[l][1] + multips[1] * i; if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9)) { boardRender[idxX][idxY] = true; } } } }); const placedShips = []; for (let i = 0; i < availableShips.length; i++) { let availableShipsOfType = availableShips[i]; for (let j = 0; j < availableShipsOfType; j++) { playerShips = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships` })); for (let y = 0; y < 10; y++) { let row = ""; for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++) { row += `${boardRender[x][y] ? "\x1b[31m" : "\x1b[32m"}${boardRender[x][y]}\x1b[0m\t`; } } const search = findEmptyFields(boardRender, i+1); const rPos = search[Math.floor(Math.random() * search.length)]; placedShips.push({ type: i, posX: rPos.posX, posY: rPos.posY, rot: rPos.rot }); await this.redis.json.arrAppend(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, { type: i, posX: rPos.posX, posY: rPos.posY, rot: rPos.rot, hits: Array.from(new Array(i + 1), () => false) }); let multips; switch (rPos.rot) { case 0: multips = [1, 0]; break; case 1: multips = [0, 1]; break; case 2: multips = [-1, 0]; break; case 3: multips = [0, -1]; break; } for (let k = 0; k <= i; k++) { for (let l = 0; l < subtrahents.length; l++) { const idxX = rPos.posX - subtrahents[l][0] + multips[0] * k; const idxY = rPos.posY - subtrahents[l][1] + multips[1] * k; if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9)) { boardRender[idxX][idxY] = true; } } } } } return placedShips; } async removeShip(socket, posX, posY) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' })); const playerIdx = socket.request.session.id === hostId ? 0 : 1; let playerShips = await this.redis.json.get(key, {path: `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`}); var deletedShip; playerShips = playerShips.filter(function (ship) { if (ship.posX == posX && ship.posY == posY) { deletedShip = ship; } return ship.posX != posX || ship.posY != posY }); await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${playerIdx}].ships`, playerShips); return deletedShip; } async shootShip(socket, posX, posY) { const gameId = socket.session.activeGame; const key = `game:${gameId}`; const hostId = (await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: '.hostId' })); const enemyIdx = socket.request.session.id === hostId ? 1 : 0; // const playerIdx = enemyIdx ? 0 : 1; let playerBoard = await this.redis.json.get(key, { path: `.boards[${enemyIdx}]` }); let shot = playerBoard.shots.find((shot) => shot.posX === posX && shot.posY === posY); if (shot) { return { status: -1 } } var check = checkHit(playerBoard.ships, posX, posY); if (!check) { return { status: 0 }; } var shotShip; for (let i = 0; i < playerBoard.ships.length; i++) { const ship = playerBoard.ships[i]; if (ship.posX === check.originPosX & ship.posY === check.originPosY) { shotShip = ship; playerBoard.ships[i].hits[check.fieldIdx] = true; if (!playerBoard.ships[i].hits.includes(false)) { let gameFinished = true; await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${enemyIdx}]`, playerBoard); playerBoard.ships.every(ship => { if (ship.hits.includes(false)) { gameFinished = false; return false; } else { return true; } }); return { status: 2, ship: ship, gameFinished: gameFinished }; } } } await this.redis.json.set(key, `.boards[${enemyIdx}]`, playerBoard); return { status: 1, ship: shotShip }; } } export function isPlayerInRoom(socket) { return !socket.rooms.size === 1; } export function getShipsAvailable(ships) { let shipsLeft = [4, 3, 2, 1]; ships.forEach(ship => { shipsLeft[ship.type]--; }); return shipsLeft; } export function checkHit(ships, posX, posY) { let boardRender = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var array = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { array.push(false); } boardRender.push(array); } ships.forEach(ship => { let multips; switch (ship.rot) { case 0: multips = [1, 0]; break; case 1: multips = [0, 1]; break; case 2: multips = [-1, 0]; break; case 3: multips = [0, -1]; break; } for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) { let x = clamp(ship.posX + multips[0] * i, 0, 9); let y = clamp(ship.posY + multips[1] * i, 0, 9); boardRender[x][y] = {fieldIdx: i, originPosX: ship.posX, originPosY: ship.posY}; } }); return boardRender[posX][posY]; } export function validateShipPosition(ships, type, posX, posY, rot) { if (type < 0 || type > 3 || rot < 0 || rot > 3) { return false; } let boardRender = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var array = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { array.push(false); } boardRender.push(array); } ships.forEach(ship => { let multips; switch (ship.rot) { case 0: multips = [1, 0]; break; case 1: multips = [0, 1]; break; case 2: multips = [-1, 0]; break; case 3: multips = [0, -1]; break; } for (let i = 0; i <= ship.type; i++) { boardRender[ship.posX + multips[0] * i][ship.posY + multips[1] * i] = true; } }); let multips; switch (rot) { case 0: multips = [1, 0]; break; case 1: multips = [0, 1]; break; case 2: multips = [-1, 0]; break; case 3: multips = [0, -1]; break; } for (let x = 0; x <= type; x++) { if (posX + multips[0] * x > 9 || posX + multips[0] * x < 0 || posY + multips[1] * x > 9 || posY + multips[1] * x < 0) { return false; } let subtrahents = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1]]; // Usuń cztery ostatnie elementy jeżeli chcesz by statki mogły się stykać rogami for (let y = 0; y < subtrahents.length; y++) { const idxX = posX - subtrahents[y][0] + multips[0] * x; const idxY = posY - subtrahents[y][1] + multips[1] * x; if (!(idxX < 0 || idxX > 9 || idxY < 0 || idxY > 9) && boardRender[idxX][idxY]) { return false; } } } return true; } export function checkTurn(data, playerId) { // Check if it's player's turn if (playerId == data.hostId) { return data.nextPlayer === 0; } else { return data.nextPlayer === 1; } } function findEmptyFields(grid, len) { const rowPlacements = []; // Helper function to check if a row can be placed horizontally at a given position function canPlaceHorizontally(x, y) { if (x + len >= grid[0].length) { return false; // Ship exceeds board boundaries } for (let i = x; i <= x + len; i++) { if (grid[i][y]) { return false; // One of ship's fields is already occupied } } return true; } // Helper function to check if a row can be placed vertically at a given position function canPlaceVertically(x, y) { if (y + len >= grid.length) { return false; // Ship exceeds board boundaries } for (let i = y; i <= y + len; i++) { if (grid[x][i]) { return false; // One of ship's fields is already occupied } } return true; } for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) { if (grid[j][i] === false) { if (canPlaceHorizontally(j, i)) { rowPlacements.push({ posX: j, posY: i, rot: 0 }); } if (canPlaceVertically(j, i)) { rowPlacements.push({ posX: j, posY: i, rot: 1 }); } } } } return rowPlacements; } function clamp(n, min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(n, min), max); }