class Battleships { constructor(boardSize) { if (boardSize>0) { this.boardSize = boardSize; } else { throw new Error("Wrong boardSize for the 'Battleships' class"); } } generateDOMBoard(size) { let board = ""; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { let row = "
"; for (var n = 0; n < size; n++) { row += `
`; } row += "
"; board += row; } return board; } getField(x, y) { if (0 < x && x <= this.boardSize && 0 < y && y <= this.boardSize) { return $(`#board .row:nth-child(${y}) .field:nth-child(${x})`); } else { throw new RangeError("getField position out of range."); } } getRow(row) { row = parseInt(row)+1 if (row<=this.boardSize) { return $(`#board .row:nth-child(${row}) .field`); } else { throw new RangeError("getColumn position out of range."); } } getColumn(column) { column = parseInt(column)+1 if (column<=this.boardSize) { return $(`#board .row .field:nth-child(${column})`); } else { throw new RangeError("getColumn position out of range."); } } }